Triplet's Search Engine

Sunday, October 2, 2016
It has been a long time....
I had a friend over tonight after a long night at work who out of the blue asked me if I had lost children. It made me happy that he asked me because it gave me an opportunity to tell there story. I showed him the shadow boxes on the wall in my home and told him about the pain of our loss, but more importantly the lessons and joy that have come from the pain.
Lessons about how much more I love my daughter Megyn and truly cherish the time I get to spend with her.
He confided in me later that it gave him a different perspective about things and Cathi and I's goal has always been to talk openly about out loss in the hopes that parents hug their children tighter; gaze at them longer with more appreciation of their existence and to really take the time to look past the frustrations of the annoyance that our children can cause us when they call mommy and daddy too many times and to just be thankful they need us and love us.
Cathi and I now have a beautiful 6 and a half year old daughter, Megyn who is the most perfect child. I still think often about how fortunate we really our to have her in our life.
I don't know if anyone ever reads this stuff and really don't care. Over the past 8 years I have only cried a handful of times in grief of my children. It's not because I am cold or heartless, but because I never really get to grieve. Life is always moving on. My job doesn't care or remember my loss, even my parents just want me to "get over it." The truth is; YOU NEVER GET OVER IT. It is part of you forever.
I got to cry for a short time tonight when my friend asked about them and I got to remember them. I didn't have to hold up my wife while she cried or tell someone else that it was okay because just me telling the story was too much for them to deal with. My friend just listened and when he left, I wrote this and had a good healthy cry. If anyone does still read this,
Thank you
Thursday, October 21, 2010
~~2 years~~

Monday, October 4, 2010
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Are Angels are looking over us......
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Written In Stone
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
Names in the Sand

Thursday, January 1, 2009
"A Journey To Forever"
Raiden, Gwyn, and Ryker have all moved on to a better place and though they are not with us now, they will forever be in our hearts and souls.
Our children are our Family and they always will be. In the future when Cathi and I have more children, they will always have 2 brothers and a sister.
Cathi commemorated their memory by creating the shadow boxes shown in the photo to the left. These boxes are placed between Cathi and I's bedroom and the children's nursery. Cathi and I are still mourning the loss of our babies, but we will always think of our children as a great blessing to us despite the short time we had with them.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
To: Raiden, Ryker and Gwyn
Many a lonely moment;
Often a silent tear;
But always a beautiful memory
of THREE who were so dear.
Their memory is our keepsake
From which we shall never part
God has them in His keeping.
We have them in our hearts,
Friends may think we have forgotten
When at times they see us smile,
Little do they know the heartache
That our smile hides all the while.
No one can see us weep
But many silent tears are shed
While others are asleep.
God gave us strength to fight it
And courage to bear the blow,
But what it meant to lose them
Author Unknown
PS: Thank you so much Heidi...This poem explains exactly what we cannot..You are a true gem...In memory of your Little Angel Alexa :)
Saturday, December 6, 2008
To My Precious Angels
The happiest day of my life was learning I was carrying three precious babies.
I got to feel you grow inside of me everyday. All three of you had individual personalities while growing inside. Your Daddy and I just new Raiden and Ryker were boys. You were always rough housing inside my belly while Gywn tried to sleep. All three of you were always so close.
On 10-14-08 I was rushed to the hospital in fear I would suddenly loose all three of you. Well I held on until 10-17, Raiden you decided you wanted to meet us too early. Even though our time with you was cut short, you WERE and WILL always be my first born….Thank you Raiden Landon Long for making me a true mommy…
After I delivered Raiden suddenly, I did what any determined mother would do. I held on to Gywn and Ryker for another month. The doctors explained that it had rarely been accomplished, but I was determined. Unfortunately I went back into labor on 11/12. I was so scared but also so excited to meet you two little babies; who for the past month had been cuddled so close that the nurses couldn’t even track your heartbeats, you were so close your hearts beat exactly the same.
Your daddy spent the entire first night of your lives with you while I recovered. He brought pictures to me but it wasn’t until I got to see you for the first time that my heart truly melted.
Ryker London, You were such a beautiful little baby. You loved to keep your hands by your head, or close to your mouth. It drove the nurses crazy because they always tried to put your hands down by your sides. Your Daddy and I were there the day they took the lights away from your body. Your Daddy and I looked down at you as you opened your eyes for the first time. You were so precious; it was the best day of my life.
Gwyneth Bella you were the most delicate little pumpkin. You had the most feminine features. You held my little finger so tight. You were such a determined little girl. You had so much of my personality. My mom always wished I would have a little girl that would make me worry late at night, well in 18 short days you made your father and I go through every emotion of being a parent. You smiled at us all of the time. You would also hold on to what ever wires were around you. You wanted so badly to suck your tiny little thumb, just like your mommy used to.
Today you all lie together again. This is and will be the hardest day of my life. I hope you are all comfy wrapped in your little blankets and cuddled up to your little woobies. Raiden, Ryker and Gwyn… You gave your Daddy and me the best few months of our lives. Thank you all for letting us realize what really matters in life. You have touched more lives in a few short weeks than most get to in a life time. Thank you sweet babies for choosing me as your mommy…I will love you ALWAYS….
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Funeral Services
If you are unable to make the service, but feel Raiden, Ryker, or Gwyn have touched you in some way, we ask that you take a moment of silence at 1pm on Friday for our special Angels.
A fathers "True" love!!!
Logan and I rushed into the hospital and made it just in time to hold our precious Angel. She was so beautiful. Logan thinks she looked like me because she had my lips. The hardest part of the night was not watching my precious Gwyn leave this earth to be with her brothers, it was watching the true anguish of a man who had been holding together so strong for several weeks. No words can describe a father’s love for his daughter. I know there is a special bond between me and my dad, but I never truly got it until I watched my husband with his little girl. It brought true joy to me watching him with her.
We got 18 wonderful days with our little fighter. She decided for herself that she missed her brothers too much to continue to fight any further. Looking back on it, Logan and I realize we
These babies were so close if you go back through the old posts you will see references to baby A and B playing together. Well baby A was Raiden, B was Ryker, and Baby C was Gwyn. When we lost Raiden, Gwyn took comfort in her brother’s arms. She laid so close to Ryker the entire time I was in the hospital. The nurses had to track the babies’ heartbeats everyday, they always thought they had the same baby because their hearts beat as one.
I love my children with all of my heart. One day I will understand why we are going through all of this. Right now I take great comfort in knowing I got to truly love my children for their short time on this earth. They touched more people in their short time here than most do in a lifetime.
I am truly blessed to have a wonderful loving and caring husband. Logan has always been there for me. I couldn’t have asked for a better man. We want to thank each and everyone of you who has prayed for our family. Thank you
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Out of The Spotlight
With everything that has happened in the past few months it is so hard to stay positive; but then, we look at this pretty face and can't help but turn to moosh....
Gwyn is so cute, but so fystie...She has to have it her way...She doesn't like a lot of noise, and she refuses to stay in the position that the nurses put her in....
One nurse tried to move her arms to her side, and she responded by waving them in the air, then putting them as far out the sides away from her body as she could...She is so defiant and has such a personality...
There is not much to update, she is still critical, but stable...There are so many things going on that it is difficult for me to even understand, let alone relay to everyone reading...Cathi and I remain positive and I will continue to update as much as possible with new pictures and stories despite the exhaustion of the NICU....
Yeah Gwyn!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
A Brother’s Love

Despite massive brain bleeds and damage to several parts of Ryker’s brain, along with multiple issues with his organs, Ryker lasted ten days on this earth…In those ten days Ryker had more influence on more people than some do in an entire lifetime…All of his nurses loved him so much and took amazing care of him…I think they may have had a little crush on him; “That’s my boy; a little ladies man!”
Cathi and I were so fortunate to see many of Ryker’s amazing “firsts.” We got to see Ryker take his first poop, but most of all we were able to be there when our little boy opened his eyes for the first time…He had big beautiful eyes…He was too young still to be able to tell what color they were, but they were gorgeous just the same…
Many people say that it takes time before you can tell who the baby looks like; especially with preemies, and even more so with micro preemies like Ryker; HOWEVER, there was no doubt that Ryker was our son…It was obvious Ryker had Cathi’s toes, cause one of them curved a little just like Cathi’s; Ryker had my cowlick in his hair; we are not sure which nose he has, but it’s a beautiful one….Ryker unmistakably has my chin…There is never any doubt when someone has a pronounced chin like mine, along with my thin little bird lips…As I watched him die, he looked at Cathi and I with those beautiful eyes in a confused but peaceful way and I thought I was looking at myself…
I will not whine to you all about the tremendous pain and suffocating emotion that Cathi and I are enduring at this moment…Instead, I will leave you by saying that with great pain will come great joy and our daughter is still hanging in there…There are no answers to why we are going through this, but I can assure you this too shall pass and we will endure with grace and one day be joyful again….
Thank you all for your concern and prayers
Friday, November 21, 2008
NICU Disclaimer
I must warn everyone who follows this blog, that despite the power of positive thinking, love of two deserving parents, and the miracles of modern medicine, Ryker and Gywn remain critically ill in the NICU.....
We have good days and bad days and unfortunately, recently, we have had a string of bad days that has overwhelmingly exhausted the both of us.
If you have failed to hear from us via phone, email, or any other form of communication, we truly apologize but it has taken every bit of strenght that we have to endure the draining and emotional daily visits of the NICU...We know that all of you who follow our story care deeply for Cathi, me, and our babies and it has not gone un-noticed...When Cathi and I recover from this obstacle in our life, we will do our best to individually thank everyone of you...
With great pain will come great joy....eventually.....we hope....Thank you all for you support and love through this most difficult of times...
Thanks to All
This is not really an update because Cathi and I are in a difficult situation that is requiring our full attention....I do not want to give false updates, false hopes, or false fears to all of those who are concerned for our babies....
I do; however, want to extend a special thanks to the doctors and nurses who have shared their time, tears, prayers, hopes and fears with Cathi and I as we traversed the most difficult time in our lives...Cathi and I are one of the strongest, most loving, and best communicating couples that could ever exist.....Cathi and I share everything and we are best friends; when one suffers, the other suffers just as much....I truly am impressed and moved by the compassion and love that was portrayed by all of the nurses who cared for my wife...
I did my very best to be with Cathi 24 hours a day when she was in the hospital...I did my best as a husband to be there for her and help her maintain her dignity as a women, wife, and mother...When I could not be there, the nurses that took care of her were the greatest blessing I could ever ask for...At one point during Cathi's hospital stay, I lost my first born son to an early delivery....It was not his time and he was too good for this earth...Dacia, Mandy, Cindy, Kelly, Darcy, Peggy, Cynthia, Nicole, Hailey, Tracy, Heather, and Kamona (I think that is right) were consistently there to assist Cathi and I with the aftermath of this time...Their compassion and warmth really helped Cathi and I make it through this difficult time...All of you were more than Cathi and I could ever expect from anyone and you truly could never know the profound impact that you have had on our life and our experience in the hospital....
As a loving husband and father, you all allowed me to help my wife in the best way possible and never complained when I had a request.....Words cannot express my thanks and gratitude for the professionalism and respect that you gave Cathi and I.....In the last few months, Cathi and I have felt pain that has scarred our souls for the rest of our lives....We have endured wounds that will never heal and have been suffocated by the overwhelming trauma of losing a child....If it had not been for the sincere assistance and compassion of the aforementioned nurses, I am not sure Cathi and I could have endured....We will remember you all for the rest of our days....Thank you, thank you, thank you....
We know that there are many more people to thank that have been instrumental in our care and if we have left anyone out, it is not that we have not thought of you and love you for the care and compassion that you have given us.....As far as doctors go, there were so many that were in and out of our room during treatment, that we could not possibly begin to name them all; Obviously Dr. Ramier, Dr. Prieto, and Dr. Montenegro are our primary caretakers and made this whole experience possible....Through good and bad, you all have given us expert advice and treatment and we could not ask for anything other than that regardless of the outcome....Dr. Burke and Dr. Bradshaw Graham, you guys were awesome and more than supportive...Thank you!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Exclusive Photos Not To Be Seen In The Tabloids

All Smiles!

away to look at her brother, and she starts fighting for attention...Her little chest will jump and she will take a breathe, then she will start wiggling her little piggy toes and move her hands, so that her daddy will give her more attention...
I apologize to any other parents who are reading this and seeing this little girl, because you surely must be jealous of how gorgeous she is...She just has the most perfect features...AND WHAT A PERSONALITY!!!
VIP Treatment

Ryker went under the blue lights because the brighter white light that Gwyn has did not cover him enough...Both of the lights, though, different, accomplish the same goal...
It has only been a day and a half since their birth, but I can already brag about what great people my little one are becoming...Ryker has been placed on a ventilator that breathes for him and it was initially set at 40 BPM (breathes per minute)...My little man being the overachiever that he is, was at one point breathing at 60 BPM....He likes to "ride the machine" for a little while; then when his strength is up, he breathes on his own with the machine, which is a good sign...I went to see him last night before bed and told him to breathe and he started breathing on his own so fast...It nearly brought me to tears...When he becomes strong enough to breathe on his own, they will take that tube out of his mouth....He looks so comfy in his little bed of sheepskin, which is a soft cotton like substance they put in there to keep him comfy...The blue lights make him look as if he is hanging out in a night club VIP section...
The nurses in the NICU are so amazing and so well trained...Ryker and Gwyn get non-stop VIP treatment...I think some of the girls in there may have a crush on this handsome little fellow...GO RYKER!!!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Happy Birthday Baby Boy

Happy Birthday Baby Girl

As you can see in the picture, Gwyn is quite small, 1 pound and 5 ounces small. Her waist is about 16 cm, the smallest it will ever be, so I never want to hear her complain about being fat. Gwyn is a fystie little one...Despite one of her lungs collapsing, she is fighting with all her strength to overcome her prematurity. You can't tell from the picture, but she looks just like Cathi up close. They have tubes in her stomach and down her throat to assist with feeding and breathing....She is on a special breathing machine, that makes her look as if she is vibrating...It is truly scary looking, I thought at first she was having a seizure, but she is okay and they think she will go onto a regular breathing machine within the day...The NICU is an amazing place and I think Gwyn is probably the smallest....Forgive my writing, but it is 0354 in the morning right now and I have had no sleep.
A quick update on Cathi: She is in extreme pain; they gave her a C-section without an epideral and she is feeling all of her surgical wounds...She is also using a special breathing contraption because she is in danger of lung collapse due to a build up of fluids in the lungs...
As scary as all this sounds, we remain positive...Unfortunately Cathi was under when the babies were delivered and she has not yet been able to meet them. We are hopeful of the near future and know that all is in God's hands now...
Monday, November 10, 2008

HI Everyone, This is a picture of Me, Logan, and my parents. We were at one of my baby showers. I have made it to 25 and 1/2 weeks. We are very excited and continue to believe I can hold out until Christmas. My mom wants to write "do not open until Christmas" on my belly. I will tell you I am doing everything I can to make that happen. I am still on complete bed rest and have been this way for a month. This is by far the hardest thing I have ever done in my life.....Boot camp, being shipped over seas after 911, divorce, college...nothing has been as hard as this, but at the same time none of those things had such a huge reward. Knowing that everyday I lay here without a "real" shower gives Gwyn and Ryker more of a chance to thrive makes this ALL worth it :) Our 3rd anniversary is next Sunday. It will be a little hard to celebrate it, but I am sure my creative husband has something cute planned. 26 weeks is Friday and that was another huge goal for us, the next goal is Thanksgiving. I just wanted to again thank all of our friends, family, and complete strangers for your thoughts and prayers...they are working. Feel free to email me anytime
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Pet Therapy
Happy Halloween!!!
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The Smell of Support
Home Away From Home
Hello Everyone,
Cathi and I want to start off by saying that we more than appreciate all of the phone calls, emails, and offers for assistance during this most difficult of situations...Never in our lives have we been suffocated by so much emotion...The pain of loss is certainly overwhelming; however, Cathi and I remain very positive about the two remaining children that Cathi is working so hard to keep in so they can grow strong and healthy...
Many times in life we are all faced with challenges that truly test us and the ones that we love...However, we all have a choice as to whether we give in to the obstacle and collapse, or rise above what is in front of us and overcome what seems to be the impossible...The loss of our son is something that neither of us will ever quite overcome, on the other hand, we see what our son has given us...Raiden has given his little brother and sister a better chance at a healthy life and for that we are very thankful...There are blessings in almost every tragedy and this situation is no exception...Since Raiden has passed away, his little brother, Ryker and his little sister, Gywn are flourishing...There heartbeats remain around 150 - 160 beats per minute...Cathi is on strict bed rest and has no privileges...As hard as it is for her, she has remained in the best of spirits and we are both thankful for every additional day that she goes without complications...I have been staying at the hospital every day and night trying to help Cathi the best way I know how...I feel very fortunate to have such a wonderful person in my life...I am so thankful that Cathi has been consistently up-beat and steadfast through this entire ordeal...It is because of her, that I have been able to hold myself up these past few weeks...
Cathi is now 23 weeks and two days...Halloween is the next benchmark...On 10/31/08 the babies will have a chance to survive in the outside world in the event they are born prematurely...Obviously this is not the best scenario, but it is the first of many short term goals we have set in what seems to be an infinite journey...
Again, thank you all so much for your thoughts, prayers and support...Cathi may start seeing visitors soon; however, right now it is still difficult and we are mostly trying to get to the benchmark of viability...Please do not hesitate to write an email or post a comment on this blog...We are checking it everyday in the hospital room and I am doing my best to keep everyone updated via this site...
Take care,
Saturday, October 18, 2008
Too Good For This World
Cathi and I appreciate all of the thoughts and prayers that have been bestowed upon us by all of you in the past few days…Cathi was doing awesome this morning, to the point where they began to unplug a lot of the machines that she was plugged into…Unfortunately it was a little too soon…Today (10/17/08) at 1443 hrs, my first born son was brought into this world…He was 15oz and came out kicking and punching like a little warrior…I actually watched as his heart beat inside of his fragile chest…Cathi and I were able to talk to and hold onto our precious son Raiden Landon Long for one full hour as his heart beat and he tried to gasp for air….Little Raiden was born at 22 weeks; two weeks before the date when he could survive outside of the womb…Raiden passed away in our arms an hour after he was born…Raiden now rests with us in our room, swaddled in soft clothing with angels on them…Cathi and I believe Raiden sacrificed himself so that he could protect his little brother and sister who are still fighting to make it…Cathi is back on the meds and plugged back into the machines….
The other two of the triplets are still doing great and Cathi is maintaining her composure and strength…This experience I can say without hesitation, has shaken us both at our very core…This pain has scarred our souls and cannot be mended even with time….Raiden will remain in our hearts and souls until we meet him again in heaven…The pain has only been comforted by the fact that we are still holding on to our other two precious blessings…I will tell you all that Raiden is the most beautiful child I have ever seen…His features are absolutely perfect and he fought so amazingly to stay alive even though nothing could be done, he was way too good for this world and we were not ready for such an amazing person…
I appreciate having our extended family at the department to vent with…all of you keep asking what you can do…Cathi and I ask that you not visit, for we are not in a place to see others…You can visit by sending Cathi flowers…The flowers already sent have fragranced the room and it is a welcome change to the sterile smell of the hospital….We also ask that you pray for our other two children who are still growing…We know Raiden is watching over them and that he will help us…
Cathi and I will have a burial service for Raiden in the future when we have overcome the remaining challenges that we face…Donations for the costs associated with the service are also appreciated but not expected, we know times are tough these days...It is a surreal time we are in now; having to grieve for the loss of our son, but remain excited for the son and daughter that remain…Children are a wonderful gift to those who are blessed to have them…Cathi and I realize that and feel blessed to have had the single hour we had with Raiden, we would not have changed it for anything... I am not an overly religious person, but I know this is somehow all part of God's plan…I did not realize today how much one could love another person…Please again, pray for our children and pray for Cathi and I for we do not know how to do this; we do not know how to manage the stress of the coming months…This obstacle is far from accomplished, and we are falling apart more everyday….Our love has truly held us together and gets stronger with every moment of this joyful and painful rollercoaster.
Lastly, I would ask that you all look at your children when you go home and tell them how much you love them and remind yourselves how blessed you are to have to change diapers, or listen to crying at night, or argue about some obscure adolescent problem…As much as that can be a pain, it is truly a privilege to experience…Cathi and I pray we will experience it soon…
Again thank you all for your thoughts and prayers…
Logan Long (Proud New Father)
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Defying All Odds
I apologize for not writing sooner, but things have been getting crazy. The baby showers are over and most of the nursery is done and thank God because a few days ago, Cathi was placed on permanent hospital bed rest...Once in the hospital, one of the babies' sacs started to come through her cervix and an emergency surgery had to be performed to save the babies...
During the surgery, Raiden's (triplet A) sac burst open, which helped slightly by creating more room in the Uterus...Raiden is okay and so are the other two babies...
The surgery was successful and Cathi and I are now at the hospital taking day by day...Multiple drug injections and IV drips have helped calm the contractions and Cathi is doing great so far...There was a risk of infection due to the burst sac; however, with anti-biotics and constant rest, Cathi is not experiencing any signs of infection...Please keep us in your prayers as we hope Cathi can maintain for a few more months and deliver strong healthy babies...
Cathi is 22 weeks tomorrow; we are trying at a minimum to get to 28 weeks before delivery although we know they can deliver at 24...Cathi has been amazing through this experience and continues to defy the odds...
Monday, September 22, 2008
MID-Night Feedings
We woke up this morning with a call from my brother in Afghanistan, who was trying to find our baby registry...THANKS PAUL!!!! He is a great brother to be sending gifts from a war zone....All else is well in the Long household and we are going to tour the NICU at Bayfront Hospital today in order to get and idea about the layout...
This pregnancy is the first time since I met Cathi that she has woken in the middle of the night starving for food...Those little babies suck everything up like cute versions of a tape worm...I guess they are getting her and I ready for middle of the night feedings....Thank you all for the kind thoughts and words....Keep checking the blog, we are doing our best to keep it updated....Love you All!!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Two Boys and a Girl
Meet Raiden Landon Long
Meet Ryker London Long
Meet…Gwyneth Bella Long
Cathi swears she is sucking her thumb during the video…Most of the time she had her hands up by her face…The only time she took her hands from her face was when the others were getting some face time…Then she would take her hands down and nudge her way into the other photos… The funniest part is that everyone thought Gwyn was squooshed until they saw the other little ones being pushed around by their sister...
Survey Results
Those are the results of the survey. Now it is time to meet the babies and find out how many boy(s) and how many girl(s) we are having….Oh and enjoy another photo!
Three Dimensional Miracles
To the right is an example of one of the 3d photos we received.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Three Heads Are Better Than One
While Cathi carries around three little apples in her tummy, my job is to attempt the impossible. A magic trick so mind blowing it would make Criss Angel look like an amatuer (Not that he already doesn't). I WILL ATTEMPT, AT GREAT RISK TO MYSELF, TO COMPLETE ALL OF MY HONEY-DO-LIST BEFORE THE BABIES ARRIVE!!!! I KNOW! AMAZING ISN'T IT?! You know clean the garage, hang some gutters, paint some gutters, paint the Nursery, put up some molding, build a dollhouse, keep the grass mowed, wash all the cars. Cathi has been awesome trying to help, but we all need to make her rest more.
Many do not think it can be done, but I am making an effort.
Enjoy, I will try to post more soon, I have been having computer issues and my photos are not wanting to attach....COMPUTERS!! AAGGHHH!
A New Beginning
Go Triplets!
The babies are definitely forming there own personalities. Triplets A and B are still as active as ever, rolling around and constantly bugging triplet C to wake up and play. Triplet C just ignores them and keeps napping. Triplet C was cuddling with Triplet B yesterday during the Ultrasound. All of their heartbeats were measuring about 150 beats per minute.
My sister was nice enough to lend us her stethoscope to listen to the babies; so at night when we are bored, we listen to the babies rolling around and dancing in Cathi’s tummy. It is the coolest thing to hear, sometimes they wooosh around and sometimes they tap at the stethoscope. It is almost as if they know we are listening and they are trying to communicate.
Cathi can feel the flutters now and can tell which babies are moving. The baby showers are coming up so keep your eyes open for invites!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Online Baby Shower
Today starts the online baby shower! We are having several baby showers to celebrate the blessing that we will be receiving soon; however, for those of you that will not be able to make the baby showers we have added a "Donation" link for anyone who wants to help us out. HEY! Babies need lots of diapers and formula and we are having three, so drop a buck or ten.
We are also registered at Babys R' Us and Target for those of you who want to send something else. We are registered under Cathi and Logan Long. You can also shop at these places online!
We love you all!
The Minivan Man
This newly aquired spaceship style urban assault vehicle will be piloted by mere human adults; but sternly commanded by "THE TRIPLETS!" Weap with me my friends, on this day of testicular loss, but rejoice because soon the first, second, and third (and last) coming of urban dismounts will be created from the womb of the most beautiful goddess....These glorious sex trophies will be proudly displayed in the leathery rows of the almighty HONDA ODYSSEY.
Cathi is having another Ultrasound on tuesday and we will be finding out the sex on September 13th, so make sure and cast your votes soon!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Everything has been going well. I am 13 weeks this week, finally into the second trimester. I have a lot more energy. We are doing the 4D ultrasound to find the sexes out. We will try to post pictures as soon as possible!!!!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Baby Condo's
Baby C
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Thanksgiving in JULY!!!!!

We will be updating the pictures of my ever growing tummy every few weeks. The babies have really had a growth spurt since the last ultrasound. They have fingers and toes that move and are more defined. We can’t wait till the next ultrasound next week. We are thinking of doing a 4D ultrasound. If anyone has any knowledge on the 4D ultrasounds I would love your help. I know they can be expensive and want to make sure they are worth the money. Thanks again for everyone’s support!!! We are so excited and excited about our growing family…. Cathi
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Here We Are!!!

Cathi and I are well aware that this is a high risk pregnancy, but isn't it true that the best outcomes are from those things that involve risks. Not that we purposely tried to have three children, but now that we are, we know that we will have the best three little babies ever made.
I can't wait until the next pictures are taken. We will have some new pictures around the middle of August when we hit the 12 week mark. Keeping checking in for updates as our little miracles grow.
Cathi and I are very excited about our new family additions. We are both police officers and do not make tons of money. we are always looking for good advice and inexpensive baby stuff. Email us if you have any ideas or suggestions:
See You Soon!

You know the babies don't really know yet, but sometimes you look at the images and swear one of them is waving at you or moving around purposely because they are camera shy.
Cathi and I are very excited about our new family additions. We are both police officers and do not make tons of money. we are always looking for good advice and inexpensive baby stuff. Email us if you have any ideas or suggestions:
Yes, I Take Up More Room

Cathi and I are very excited about our new family additions. We are both police officers and do not make tons of money. we are always looking for good advice and inexpensive baby stuff. Email us if you have any ideas or suggestions:
Hi Mommy and Daddy

What a miracle!
Cathi and I are very excited about our new family additions. We are both police officers and do not make tons of money. we are always looking for good advice and inexpensive baby stuff. Email us if you have any ideas or suggestions:
Hi Grandma and Grandpa

Monday was the beginning of the eighth week and it is finally starting to sink in that we are having triplets. The joy and anxiety are overwhelming. Cathi and I nothing but excited about our new family and cannot wait to meet the little ones.
This week the babies are sprouting their little feet and hands and are starting to show the little fingers and toes we will be nibbling on and everyone else will be trying to grab. This picture says "Hi Grandma and Grandpa." Our Ultrasound tech was so nice to give us a ton of pictures with little sayings so we could show our family.
Cathi and I are very excited about our new family additions. We are both police officers and do not make tons of money. we are always looking for good advice and inexpensive baby stuff. Email us if you have any ideas or suggestions: